We wait for years to invite you here. Please introduce Childs and yourself a bit.
Hi, my name is Paul and in 2001 I formed this electronic project where I would deposit a specific Child-like spirit view of the world. Since the first presentation I have invited many friends who share similar ideas to collaborate on the live shows, concepts, artwork and on the recorded material. We will introduce everyone when the website is finally finished one day -_-
You used to call Childs Electric Lullaby of Future Lullaby. Why is that? What would
you do to help you sleep?
It was a tag I could relate to at the time, i was very much into controlling dreams and I would turn on the laptop and write music in the middle of the night or as soon as I woke up in the morning
We Taiwanese love to eat! Please introduce some decent Mexican food for us.
Tacos are well known, but I would recommend MOLE which is a sauce that mixes chili with spices, seeds, vegetables and chocolate, and results in a dark paste that tastes spicy and bittersweet, which you could put on many dishes
We Taiwanese love to drink! What is the most BADASS tequila in Mexico?
Recently I was living in Guadalajara where I tried different types of mezcal and one that became my favorite was called ‘Raicilla’. Tequila is a town nearby, they have tours where you can go to see how its made and of course, get wasted.
What’s your must-do things in Taiwan?
First would be to go to the beach and finally feel the ocean from the other side of the pacific, also I hope I can persuade the other childs to go to Lihpao Land and try the rollercoasters. I’d like to visit the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center, the Museum of World Religions and the National Palace Museum (history was my favorite subject in school). Go shopping for Anime related stuff, check out musical instruments, see the outskirts and what people recommend us, we’ll be staying a few days after the concert ^^
《Neo Genesis Evangelion》 and 《Grave of the Fireflies》 are popular in Taiwan. Do teenagers in Mexico love Japanese animate just as we Taiwanese do? Tell us about the connection about 《Yui》 and these two manga.
Yes, there are many anime fans in Mexico, Doragon Boru, Saint Seya, Kyaputen Tsubasa being very popular. EVA and Grave are more well known among selected anime crowd which every day is growing. When I was making the music I was still trying to understand the EVA series (still am!), so it was very natural to me to include some bits that impressed me. And Grave is just so sad and real, but at the same time magical and child-like, and that’s how the contrast in sounds in Mariana sounded to me
Who is your favorite female character in 《Neo Genesis Evangelion》 and why?
That would be Yui, she was brave, a visionary and the most optimistic voice of the series, always thinking of the future of the human spirit
If you are a pilot, which Evangelion will be your best choice?
Even thought the EVA-02 has some sweet weapons, I would pick EVA-01 because of its connection with Lilith and Yui.
《Grave of the Fireflies》 is a anti-war tragedy, and Taiwanese share the same history and experience during Pacific War. Are there any similar stories of WWRII in Mexico?
Not like that, but I know that in the latter part of WWII there was a flight squadron nicknamed “The Aztec Eagles” and that they helped Philippines and Formosa in the Pacific War
Being a manga fan like you, have you ever been to Japan?
Sadly no T_T We’ve been trying to make a show there for years but it hasn’t happened yet.
What did you do to make 《Yui》such a awesome album? Tell us about it.
Thanks! That’s very nice of you ^^ Its very special to me because of all the people involved and references used, I tried to summed up a moment I lived and for better or worse that was what came out. One thing is that there are lots of layers about it that sometimes even I cant remember they are there.
It’s been years since 《Yui》had been released and we are curios about that little cover girl. Where is she now, and what’s she doing up there?
I think she was sitting there, waiting for a better moment to act, to talk. It is the work of the talented Ani Castillo, an illustrator from Guadalajara. We hope to see more of her around later on.
(More Ani Castillo: http://www.anicastillo.com/)
Someone told us that your new album will be coming up soon, will you bring some to Taiwan?
The album is done! But we don’t think it will be physically available for these dates in Asia T_T
What is the best show that you’ve ever played?
The Shanghai show at Mao Livehouse was very special, also The Hidden Agenda gig in Hong Kong had very good sound, we were very happy at both
Named three must-listened Mexican bands. Ambiente (post rock band)
Recommend the best music festival in Mexico for us. Nrmal is a festival that has been held in Monterrey and Mexico City, it includes interesting old and new acts from all over the world