--本次重點-- 春夏のChill
迪馬哥老戰友Homeshake 最新專輯《Fresh Air》CD, LP 到貨!
同時,該廠牌 Captured Tracks 2017 Record Store Day 限量500張的《Nankhatai / Stuck Inside Split》七吋黑膠也同步上架,收錄 Homeshake 與傳說中 Mac DeMarco 早期樂團 Makeout Videotape 好宅友 Alex Calder 的未發佈曲目,一人一面,感情不會散。
Boulevards / Groove!

Connie Converse / How Sad, How Lovely
Craft Spells / Nausea

Homeshake / In The Shower
Homeshake / Fresh Air
Homeshake / Midnight Snack
Mac DeMarco / Rock & Roll Night Club

The Modulators / Tomorrow's Coming

Molly Burch / Please Be Mine

Novella / Change of State

Santiago / 22 Somerset Dr. (1976-1978)

Should / A Folding Sieve

Tim Cohen / Luck Man

Alex Calder / Mold Boy (Limited to 700)

Connie Converse / How Sad, How Lovely
DIIV / Is The Is Are

Homeshake / Fresh Air
Homeshake / In The Shower
Homeshake / Midnight Snack
Homeshake & Alex Calder《Nankhatai / Stuck Inside Split》 (7" Ltd. 500, RSD)

Luna / Long Players 92-99 (6LP boxset)

Mac DeMarco / Another One
Mac DeMarco / Salad Days
Mac DeMarco / Rock & Roll Night Club

Molly Burch / Please Be Mine

Novella / Change of State (Ltd. White Vinyl)

Should / A Folding Sieve

Wild Nothing / Nocturne