旗下擁有Mac DeMarco, DIIV, Wild Nothing, Beach Fossils等... 活力樂團的布魯克林廠牌 Captured Tracks,近幾年拓展了音樂風格,開啟了有著 Homeshake 的姐妹廠 Sinderlyn 以及專職電子音樂的 2MR。

Beach Fossils - Beach Fossils
Beach Fossils - What A Pleasure
Beach Fossils - Clash The Truth

Blouse - Imperium

Boulevards - Groove!

Bunny Lion - Red

Charlie Hilton - Palana

Craft Spells - Gallery
Craft Spells - Nausea
Craft Spells - Idle Labor

Cymbals Eat Guitar - Pretty Years

deardarkhead - Oceanside: 1991-1993

Dust - Agony Planet

EZTV - High in Place

Homeshake - Midnight Snack

Mac Demarco - Demos Vol. 1

Mega Bog - Gone Banana

Medicine - Shot Forth, Self Living
Medicine - To The Happy Few
Medicine - The Buried Life
Medicine - Home Everywhere

Minks - Tides End

Nic Hessler - Soft Connections

Sleigh Bells - Jessica Rabbit

Soft Metals - Soft Metals

The Soft Moon - The Soft Moon
The Soft Moon - Total Decay EP
The Soft Moon - DEEPER

Wild Nothing - Gemini
Wild Nothing - Golden Haze
Wild Nothing - Nocturne
Wild Nothing - Empty Estate

Beach Fossils - Beach Fossils
Beach Fossils - Clash The Truth

Cymbals Eat Guitar - Pretty Years
Cymbals Eat Guitar - Pretty Years (Colored Vinyl + 7")

DIIV - Oshin

EZTV - High in Place
EZTV - High in Place (Special Edition)

Homeshake - In The Shower
Homeshake - Midnight Snack

Luna - Long Players 92-99 (6LP Box Set)

Mac Demarco - Rock and Roll Night Club (12")
Mac Demarco - 2
Mac Demarco - Another One

Medicine - Home Everywhere
Medicine - Home Everywhere (Special Edition)

Wild Nothing - Gemini
Wild Nothing - Nocturne
Wild Nothing - Life of Pause (SpecialEdition)