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Line up:
Main Room
Levon Vincent [ Novel Sound / USA ]
Bass Kitchen Chefs:
[ minijay / Initials B.B / Yoshi Nori ]
經過在南港瓶蓋工廠的 Move D 洗禮及 Eddie C 迷人的演出後,重拍廚房決定在2013尾聲帶給大家一個最大驚喜-來自紐約的地下音樂傳奇人物- Levon Vincent。
在不斷演進的電子音樂文化裡,創造未來最好方式就是發掘過去。Levon Vincent 與他的作曲家同伴 Jus-Ed, DJ Qu, 和 Fred P 以毫無裝飾的形式,繼承著1990年代Techno 與 House 最原始聲響. Levon 音樂辨識度極高, 同時結合了紐約市不加裝飾的聲音及 dub Techno 的優雅,一再震撼聆聽者的身與心。
Levon發表過單曲的廠牌包含了Ostgut Ton,Underground Quality,和他自創廠牌 Novel Sounds. 他的黑膠作品通常在發表後幾天即銷售一空。而這些黑膠唱音樂在世界知名夜店中就有像聖詩般有著崇高地位,柏林的 Berghain 就是其中一個代表。
在DJ演出方面,Levon 融合了 Techno 和 House 調性,以讓人無法停止舞動的重低音及回音效果憾動著舞池;又或以出乎意料且極具深度的音樂帶領著整場氣氛。他的原始工業聲響同時也獲得舞客和樂評家一致好評,Levon在 Fabric 的混音更被 Resident Advisor 評論為2012最佳混音作品。
這個即將成為另一個傳奇的夜晚,台北音樂圈 Techno 大頭目- 有種唱片行的阿道將會在The Wall 大廳為Levon Vincent 擔任開場的重責大任。同時間 BK 的廚師們將會負責 在 Korner 演出。請和我們一起為Bass Kitchen四週年大肆派對慶祝吧!我們保證這將會是在台北最深沈骯髒的夜晚!
Levon Vincent 創作 | Production:
影片| Video:
售票資訊| Ticket info:
預售|Presale: 650 NT (11/21 ~ 12/20 )
現場|Door: 800 NT
全國華娛售票系統 iBon (7-11) / FamiPort ( Family Mart )
Preslale available at all iBon (7-11) and FamiPort (FamilyMart)
華娛購票連結 | Walkie Online Ticket Service:
☞ 以下實體售票點 買五送一 優惠價
Special Promotion of Buy 5 Get 1 free at the following physical locations:
有種唱片 Species Records
2F., No. 20, Lane 96, Kunming Street / 02 2375-5518
吐司利亞三號 Toasteria Cafe #3
No. 3, Lane 169, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Road / 02 2752-0033
自然醒咖啡公寓 Wakin' Up Cafe Apartment
2F., No. 157, Sec. 2, Heping E. Road / 02 2709-6066
個體戶唱片行 Indimusic Records
3F., No. 297-5, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Road / 02 2369-6386
小白兔唱片 White Wabbit Records
No. 1-1, Lane 21, Pucheng Street / 02 2369 7915
After hosting Move D at the infamous Nangang Bottle Cap Factory and witnessing Eddie C’s mesmerizing performance at Triangle in the past few months, Bass Kitchen will end 2013 with an exclamation mark by inviting a true legend from underground NYC: Levon Vincent.
In a world where dance music is constantly evolving, the most relevant way to create the future is often to dig into the past. Levon Vincent, along with fellow producers Jus-Ed, DJ Qu, and Fred P, represent the rawest form of techno and house sound directly inherited from the 1990s. Levon's sound is astonishing and immediately recognizable: it combines NYC's roughness with dub techno's elegance in a way that engages the listener's body and mind at once. His tracks, released on labels such as Ostgut Ton, Underground Quality or on his own Novel Sounds, are usually sold out within days after their release, and many of them have attained anthemic status in clubs such as Berlin's Berghain.
On the DJing side, Levon blends techno and house freely and emphatically, shaking the dancefloor with stomping basslines and echoing sound-effects, or relaxing the vibe with unexpected atmospheric deep tracks. His raw industrial sound has been hailed by dancers and critics alike, as shown by the success of his Fabric CD, which was charted by Resident Advisor as Mix of the Year in 2012.
For this monumental night, Taipei’s own techno honcho A-Dao from Species Records will set the tone by opening the night in The Wall's main room, while the trio of Bass Kitchen chefs will take care of the Korner side. Join us to celebrate Bass Kitchen’s 4th anniversary, we promise you this will be one of the deepest and dirtiest night Taipei will ever witness.